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tv   [untitled]    November 14, 2012 7:00am-7:30am EST

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rising up against austerity millions of europeans sign up for block why the action against. protests underway in almost every nation on the call. for informed syrian rebels brought secures overwhelming recognition from france as well other european states and america hold back. a sex scandal triggered by revelation as the former cia chief cheated smashers america's p.r. push in afghanistan and toppled the reputation of the current celebrity come on.
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it is good to have you with us here on r t today i'm rory sushi life in the russian capital it is a day of unity like europe hasn't seen in years though for all the wrong reasons a series of mega protests are underway across the globe millions expected to show up in a resoundingly course saying no to austerity already hundreds of flights have been canceled with nations paralyzed by war and strikes and let's get the latest marty sarah ferguson is at the epicenter of it all in madrid. were in the center and you can see behind me the these cars already lining the streets to go to these helicopters say that heads were already getting figures in there that being a number of arrests already made today here in the trade of course is not just spain this striking today it's political we call greece we've got it's really all a getting involved in this movement and a number of other countries as well belgium cypress motor. the united kingdom are
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also going to be having various demonstrations throughout the day old rallying around this one message and that is no new tool sterrett say now we've been covering the story very very closely since the very beginning of the euro crisis and as time has gone are we seeing how the devastating story of the horrifying figures continue to climb in spain here the moment more than twenty five percent unemployment portugal where we were just a day or two we get a record highs of fifteen percent unemployment in greece is close to receive levels of unemployment that twenty five percent plus when you think it's cool these figures together salute the devastating numbers of people now of what it was suffering under these very strict all star team as it is estimated more than twenty five million people unemployed across europe this is the first time now we're seeing this protest movement forcing food is it cooled in ated demonstration is
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a move these countries get together to take part in europe in isolation both the debate is really going to be another wakeup call the european union leaders that we talk a lot about austerity of cool say the last couple of days we've been talking to people in europe we've been own twitter easing the hostile all sexy means osting people how this is affected their lives in the stories just keep on coming in that really the media across europe now is that enough is enough is the european leaders continue to push these countries look over they own the brink even further would very closely today what happens you going to see these large scale movements will it be a game changer will the you're kidding latest actually listen to this follow us throughout the day we're going to be keeping you updated of course watching very very closely as the details of forward as this european mega strike continues going all the way across the continent correspondence or
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a fourth right now. with jobs increasingly scarce and little prospect down the line southern europe is experiencing an exodus of workers having lost hope in these dreary economic times many stopping europeans are opting to travel north to find their fortune as art is rare and often in our reports our eyes are on the politicians who are struggling to bring about prosperity back. and those low terry teahouse anyone in need is welcome here in the queue for food traditionally immigrants from somalia but and this is new some europeans as well. who want it father of three came here from spain eleven months ago after he lost his job and gained debts instead to do in a given that i was there i came here with hope i was forced to leave spain due to the economic crisis in bank recession here i work and make three thousand euros a month and i can pay my debts in spain. milena is not queuing for food she
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cooks originally from colombia she first immigrated to spain but the crisis pushed her move further on she now works at a cafe in no wiese famous movie museum and while she serves those who come here to admire the world famous scream she says her life if only they knew would probably provoke an even stronger impression on the visitors. it's hard it's not as easy as they show it on t.v. you go from one country to another like a rolling stone you have kids and nothing to feed them with and no job. in september the unemployment rate within the eurozone hit a record high of eleven point six percent in the seventeen countries united by a common currency for more than eighteen million people are now out of work that's an increase of around five thousand every day since august during the years of growth your of was in desperate need of a cheap labor force and therefore provided immigrants from all over the globe with work but with the worst economic crisis since the. second world war now in the gulf
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in the continent not only is the label to provide jobs for outsiders it cannot even create works for locals turning the tables and sending many of those in a search for a better life abroad to no way for example and no eurozone and only used state to factors some analysts say that have averted the scandinavian country from disaster . in our region krone is one of the safest currencies in europe many people here in germany and in other european countries believe that our monetary system is being pressed up against the wall and this makes us weak is when the economic crisis fully engulfed greece last year brussels was on alert then a bailout treaty brought hope and relief apparently for mature spain and portugal joined the club and someone will still be others to come let's release switzerland and norway are not a you members they're doing better than any other european country denmark and the
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czech republic. euro countries and we never hear things about the whole system when it's steals all the major powers from states political economic diplomatic and military and give it to brussels and washington is doomed with german chancellor angela merkel saying at least five more years will be needed to recover it's clear countries like no we will not have a deficit in labor force at least some more decades greif notion r t from no way germany and france. do stay with us you can hear in our teeth our continued coverage of the e.u. strike as workers unite against continued austerity. this is r.t. now syria's foreign form of the rebel coalition is collecting international approval france is the first western state to recognize it as the sole voice of the
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syrian people other european nations and the u.s. which are well behind the group set up stopped just short of doing the same with more details now live to our correspondent in the middle east joining us live on the program here tom what's the significance of the recognition i think certainly one of more pertinent questions is why is it that some of the coalition's key backers have failed actually now to follow in france's endorsement. yes rory well there is increasing attention focusing around this opposition coalition still quite a nebulous group at the moment and france is going the further this recognizing this group as the so representative of the syrian people and perhaps expressing their the hope than a reality at the moment when they added that they really were throwing their weight behind the idea of this as a government in exile just waiting to come in and take power the u.s.
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didn't go that far i did say that it. recognized these groups as a representative of every syrian people but they wanted to wait until this group better represented people actually inside syria the e.u. members as well they hailed the the process of the formation of this group but they didn't go any further than that it was france that made a similar declaration throwing its weight behind libya's national transition council shortly after that the nato bombing of gadhafi forces in libya began france has also said that it supplies that it has supplied already communications a non-lethal equipment to anti asaad rebels in syria and that. a government is filmed it will consider supplying weapons to this opposition coalition at the moment though france's foreign ministry admits that it can't do
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that because there is an arms embargo in place on the roof sites in the syrian conflict however there are reports that the u.k. may push for that an arms embargo to be lifted you know that's right so there are there are all talks already that some western nations might work to have the e.u. arms embargo lifted in order to funnel weapons to the syrian rebel coalition that as you said has already been endorsed by france but not other western nations what about what about any response towards the rebel bloc among the arab nations at this point tom. well despite six nations backing this this opposition coalition the arab league listen table to make a unanimous decision in support of it so they weren't able to give it their official backing this group has been and is being filmed in qatar after a very intense negotiations and some intense international pressure to try and
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unite this opposition the u.s. being the fear most in those countries being very frustrated that they were absent a single belviq that they could support in this brutal civil war going on in syria that search has so far estimated to have claimed over thirty six thousand lives there are also worries surrounding this opposition coalition and difficult to see at the moment whether it is very truly representative of the syrian people and there are greater fears the mat surrounding the great arsenals of weapons that the assad regime has including chemical weapons and the worry is not only that an increasingly desperate assad may lash out using those weapons but also that this position coalition if it gets hold of those weapons itself may not be able to properly secure them all right here's our tom bottom there live in tel aviv thank
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you. for the free syrian army says it is not in control of who exactly is fighting within its own ranks the spokesman of the key military branch of the syrian opposition admits that a growing number of extremists have now joined the rebel force. the free syrian army is not a regular army but the soldiers of the revolution some troops claim to be part of the if it's easy but at the same time do not follow orders killings to police but as we are in a revolution we cannot control such events certainly there are some extremists some guns and some who want to take advantage of the. by let's get more now on the latest developments around syria and other course of the bloody civil war there i'm joined by mark almond historian and a visiting professor of international relations of university welcome to the program marco six gulf states along with france are rushing to recognize the rebel coalition why has the u.s. which pushed for the creation of the bloc failed to do the same. well i think good
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two factors one is that the united states wishes to lead from behind to use the term that was used about a promise for a libya it wants to give the impression that there are regional states playing this part in popular principles like france the other is the united states is a bit of a quandary about who to support. in syria in the sense that we don't know exactly who came out on top president along the side but the new coalition is not only a soldier to return to the syrian people but also been known to be the future. of syria but by definition a democratic government asked who decided by the people in the country rather than by her own sponsons and the question is will any coalition backed by this mixture of arab states of the west turn out to be acceptable to people in syria and i think it's a big if now we are as far as we understand six gulf states and france of russia recognized the rebel coalition but what is likely to happen next though if the
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group receives wide international endorsement and forms a government in exile the next step. well of course if you remember the model really is libya at least in libya the opposition to gadhafi controlled some eastern cities like to see they could set up a government on their own territory so far we're talking about people in exile being brought together various groups who live outside syria not many of them for many years or more recently been and so any kind of remotely legitimate rebel government surely has to have a base inside syrian territory but so far these leaders of the rebellion don't seem to be very happy about putting heads above the parapet actually on the ground in syria where of course it's very risky option now mark there are some states are discussing our arms here for example that france is promising to consider selling arms supplies to syrian rebels if it's not going to breach the e.u. is our arms embargo or there are some that are saying perhaps the arms embargo should be reversed or perhaps mr armey we're all being naive and have been funneled
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into syria already for quite some time well clearly arms have been arriving in syria quite some time some of them are weapons coming from the gulf arab states who played a similar role in the libyan conflict so weapons are coming across the border from turkey what has been think is that the european union states if you provided what they call non-lethal aid this sounds all very well of terror and some of it is no doubt medicines and supplies of that sort but some of it is the kind of communications equipment that enables people to turn the local usually available explosives into roadside bombs and other kinds of weapons but you need more sophisticated communications equipment to detonate it to locate the enemy and to organize attacks so i think already in krakow it's your opinion in countries have been speaking with a fourth car that some of the humanitarian aid turns out to be quasi military aid in any case and they don't really need to supply guns and so on because large
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quantities of this material is coming from the gulf states through lebanon one through turkey. the problem of course for a country like turkey is that it used to be seen as a role model pakistan now in some ways it's becoming evolution serial acts are history in this town and i think this is a very destabilizing aspect for the region all right amar comment professor of international relations are here r.t. thank you you thank. are you watching live from moscow china announces its next generation of leaders now with a new top politicians to develop the asian giants growth to its western rivals to a compromise analysis coming your way in just a few. it's perched atop a jaw and under view from the kremlin stretches as far as the eye can see up for a city to all of siberia for centuries. it lost its economic importance even before
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it was bypassed by the chance i bear in railway but a spiritual center. scenes like these are a yearly occurrence thousands of worship as implicity water to commemorate the baptism of jesus. in the fifteen eighties the russians had only just conquered siberia taking it from the muslims. surrounded by enemies to be their stronghold constructed on top of the city but soon enough it became an economic siberian oil of its time bringing in a third of the state revenue put the ball location head of the uses for the russians the russian crowd to lead
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a revolt against the czar and eight hundred twenty five known as the decembrists hair and drove. there they created a replica high society adopting the latest fashions as soon as they came out or at least once they made it from paris to siberia. but the city also served up some bit of irony for the russian royal family after the bolshevik revolution. this is the office where nicholas the second spend most of the last year of his life his whole family had been exiled here and they lead a fairly comfortable existence this was a big house but they weren't allowed to see visitors or go outside themselves was leading the ordinary normal countryside life style they even had thoughts of escape but within the year the czar and his family would be dead.
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pleasure to have you with us here on our to today i'm wrong in moscow the u.s. campaign in afghanistan has suffered a military grade below with at least two celebrity generals and veterans of the intervention falling from grace a sex scandal that started with the revelations of the ex cia chief affair has now claimed the reputation of the current afghan campaign commander explanation are two artes lucic of. in the papers here in afghanistan petraeus star and battlefield felled at cia by an affair situation the reaction on the ground has been one of outrage people are really quite confused by this whole scandal one of the comments that i heard from a person who wish to be anonymous in the foreign ministry is office was they founded really indicative of how well the afghan war effort is going in terms of u.s. policy if the top general in charge of it had time to send twenty to thirty thousand pages worth of inappropriate e-mails people here have also expressed some confusion
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as to why these kinds of scandals would force these top men to resign and not for example the scandals that have really resonated among the people here on the ground for example the tragic massacre by a u.s. soldier of sixteen civilians here in afghanistan the burnings of the koran by officials here as well as regular policies like for example night raids which are so controversial here that often result in the deaths of civilians so people are quite confused by this scandal they're not quite sure what implications will have on the u.s. war effort here in afghanistan and of course it's coming on the heels of very important talks between the u.s. and afghanistan the two countries have been in negotiations over what the u.s. will do with the remainder of its sixty eight thousand troops that are here that are due to withdraw by the twenty fourteen deadline some analysts i've spoken to on the ground here in kabul think that this embarrassing scandal will really be sort of a bargaining chip for some factions in afghanistan to be able to effectively get more
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of what they want to say well look you know you guys here in the u.s. military top brass don't necessarily have the credibility to pull off certain policy options and that's really been the concern as one of the fallouts of the scandal but of course if we look at the big picture in terms of u.s. policy in afghanistan it really has been crisis after crisis it's not just these resignations of petraeus and the implication of general allen we've seen the u.s. spend nearly six hundred billion dollars and it's eleven year effort in afghanistan the insurgency the taliban insurgency has low. actually remained on the ballot by that we've also see in the u.s. actively shifting towards other policies for example trying to train afghan soldiers or to take over after twenty fourteen and that too has been marred by scandal with a nearly fifty four americans being killed in the so-called green on blue attacks showing that the u.s. influence is really waning here in this country another concern is of course the implication on the morale of the troops here the american troops who are not necessarily welcomed in this country they're not this is
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a scandal is not going to help them continue to operate on the ground and there's also the concern that the u.s. is really shifting from person based policy to a robotic policy what i'm of course referring to is the drone strikes afghanistan has seen three hundred and thirty three drone strikes in the past year alone that's more than pakistan somalia and yemen combined. with airport from kabul. from the school of international affairs in india he believes the generals main mistake was not an affair rather it was a total failure in afghanistan you have to look at it in the perspective of long wars and the stress of camano c.d.o. or enough. these definitely has implications for the war that's going on there as well as the incident in libya when the u.s. ambassador was killed recently all of these are connected and the timing there's also use additional rivalry quite a few angles to give the administration the stool as obama suited his victory on
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reelection day that you know we're going to end it if you don't normal for our going to end unless you know some generals are smeared i don't know i mean we need to explore how the public relations disaster that's happening right now and i'm probably ease related to the larger political issue of all. of these wars and the recriminations that are bound to occur at the end of every major war make this we did not yield anything in the form of victory or a concrete outcome for the night. now you can always catch much more news online including a compound on criticism in the united arab emirates online we've got the story of how the government of the gulf state of responded to what it calls insults against the state. also online there's zero tolerance way of fighting internet piracy a man in the u.s. is jailed for fifteen years for selling six counterfeit disks the same sentence as murderers get.
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chinese leader who has stepped down as head of the communist party clearing the way for his successor in a once in a decade transition vice president is expected to take over as the party leader on thursday and the next president in march a transfer that took place at the party congress which is drawing to a close now in the country's capital the big question is how the new leadership will affect china's relations with its top political and economic rival the us john expert says america is desperately trying to maintain its position in the face of the massively emerging east. wind. or receive the.
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sort of stabilizer or. what. the east. the east with the rise in the east you have a lot. of latin america and they have it in asia. our quickly ask about what top story here on our continent wide strike against austerity in europe straight to live pictures for you right here from the greek capital athens where people have started to gather near parliament already seventy have been arrested in madrid with thirty four injured in clashes with police but we're also seeing violence scenes in italy where protesters are throwing up molotov cocktails at police alternately this massive strike it's a round of fourteen unions taking part the strikes themselves happening across
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twenty three countries we'll be covering the protests as the day continues here on our. part and i come out after a quick break here on the channel it's our breaking the set with i've been watching . looking at some docks you simply do not believe they come speak and goodness how they can run oh. it's an international sled dog race with those driving the dogs. coming from as far away as a strength in canada and the u.s. they come to russia and everybody is so very friendly they welcomed me with open arms and the scenery is so beautiful it's very much like alaska and so i felt at home the first sled dog was brought here from australia now it's chance comes to
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this remote russian village to take part in the race it's not surprising they love it this trail ira mazie but even more amazing is the story of how racing first started here at school it wasn't the top. grazing who set the trail ablaze but a nun and for all friends who brought their dia to life. five years ago about a bill to dock kennel in the village kids from the local open age came around to take care of the dogs and one day they state their lives might seem extreme to some the boys wake up at six to feed to the dogs before school in the evening they spend up to three hours training their full legged friends but smother her schedule also encourages her kids to become depth hands on the computer and internet the boys who regularly updates their websites and they're in touch with the busy ma the twenty four seven on the phone itself. but children are the most important thing my own
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interests not play any rule any more and regardless of whether parsky has huskies window race or not she hopes the composition will take place in the village next year. but called these dogs and the children it really is not the weaning but truly just the taking part that counts. here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a donor. concludes the longest and wildest campaign in our history was something that was. formatted by the book was that some of. the what twists and
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turns with bill maher should this campaign we're going to watch what we're about to do because you've never seen anything like. that. guys i'm abby martin so yesterday holly solomon and arizona was arrested and charged with aggravated aggravated assault with reckless driving after running her husband over with their s.u.v. why you may ask well she was pissed off that he didn't vote in the presidential election she said their family would quote suffer because of president obama's reelection i guess you could say she was politically driven but clearly what she didn't realize is that no matter what president we have as long as the two party system in control it's all the same so shame on you as a solomon for letting something so.


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